Hello, and welcome to my blog. Enjoy! ^^


Hey thar(:  I don't know about you, but I just realized that chobots did not update the citizenship items.
Usually chobots does.. but not this time?
I was thinking, should I add a new template with a theme of school or something like that? I just started my blog, so I didn't add so much. In September, I will add a new template. I am pretty sure of it. I'll have a back to top button, a back to bottom button, an xat box, new signatures, and a music box... and maybe some authors. xD Or should I add a summer template? uhh uhhh uhhh. Who knows. x]. I'm thinking of getting a nyan cat one if I can. That'd be great.
Plus, I'm thinking of moving my blog to wordpress. I saw this cute template, but it was for joomla.

So, I've made my decision.. but I have two choices. So, you pick! Go to
http://testbloggummi.blogspot.com/ to see template number one and go to http://testblog2gummi.blogspot.com/ to see template number two. The template I do not get will be given away to someone. So vote on the poll ---> or comment below ---v That's all for now! Baii(:

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